Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lessons on Faith: Part 13 of 14: Faith That Works By Love

By A. T. Jones

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"In Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love."  Gal. 5:6.

With those who were in mind when this scripture was originally written, circumcision was everything, and it was everything simply because of what it represented.

And what circumcision represented to those people was works and works only. It was the greatest of all works -- greater than creation itself -- because, as the rabbis put it, "So great is circumcision, that but for it the Holy One, blessed be He, would not have created the world." "It is as great as all the other commandments," "equivalent to all the commandments of the law." -- Farrar's "Life of Paul," chapter 22, para. 5, note; chapter 35, para 4, note.

Yet this which to them was so great, the Lord sweeps away, as with a blast, in the words, "Circumcision is nothing," and in Christ Jesus, circumcision avails nothing. And, in view of what circumcision meant to them, this was simply to say that works are nothing and in Christ Jesus works avail nothing.

Then to all the others who, in view of this, might be inclined to boast in their lack of works and thus excuse sin, the word is given with equal force: "And uncircumcision is nothing." "In Jesus Christ neither . . . uncircumcision availeth anything," which, in its connection, was simply to say that the absence of works is nothing and in Christ Jesus the absence of works avails nothing.

So then works are nothing and the absence of works is nothing. In Christ Jesus neither works nor the lack of works avails anything.

This word of the Lord, therefore, utterly and forever excludes both classes from all merit and from all ground of merit in themselves or in anything they ever did or did not do. 

And this is all as true today as ever. Today, whether persons are out of Christ or in Christ, neither works nor no works avail anything. For it is written: "Are you in Christ? Not if you do not acknowledge yourselves erring, helpless, condemned sinners. . . . Your birth, your reputation, your wealth, your talents, your virtues, your piety, your philanthropy, or anything else in you or connected with you, will not form a bond of union between your soul and Christ."  -- Testimony for the Church, No. 31, pages 44, 45.

What then? Is everybody left in utter emptiness? No, no! Thank the Lord there is something which avails for all and avails forever. Though it be the everlasting truth that "in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, neither works nor no works avail anything; yet it is also the eternal truth that "in Jesus Christ . . . FAITH WHICH WORKETH" does avail.

Notice that it is not faith and works that avail; it is "faith WHICH worketh." It is faith which itself is able to work and does work -- it is this and this alone that avails for anybody anywhere at any time.

Faith is only of God and working; it works only the works of God. Thus he who, in Christ Jesus, has the "faith which worketh," has that which avails to show God manifest in the flesh, working the works of God. And thus "this is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."

And so, while you are in Christ, "if there is any good in you, it is wholly attributable to the mercy of the compassionate Saviour. . . . Your connection with the church, the manner in which your brethren regard you, will be of no avail unless you believe in Christ. It is not enough to believe about Him; you must believe in Him. You must rely wholly upon His saving grace."  -- Id., pages 44, 45.

"Hast thou faith?" Have the faith of God. "Here are they that keep . . . the faith of Jesus."

RH Mar. 28, 1899 

By A. T. Jones in the Review and Herald periodical in 1899.

Blog Edited by John Foll.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

He is Faithful!

By John Foll
© Copyright 2017 John Foll

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"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 KJV.

The key here is that ‘He is faithful’. Who is faithful? God is faithful. Our salvation and all the good things now and forever depend on the love and faithfulness of God to keep His promises to us, to forgive us and to help cleanse us from all unrighteousness and to provide all the other gifts that He wants to give us. Yes, God is faithful and can be trusted to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, if we confess our sins! It does not depend on us, because we are not faithful by ourselves. Only God can help us to be faithful. But if we will just confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and will save us, as long as we continue to allow Him to work in our life! Yes, He is faithful! God alone is faithful and righteous. And you can have all the blessings of love and eternal life, if you will just choose to confess your sins, because He will take care of you, if you will do this and continue with Him. God always keeps His promises!

This is taken from my book: Love of God, God’s Plan To Save You – How to Have Righteousness By Faith, in the Chapter: Become White as Snow: Confession and Forgiveness. In this book we show how to get closer to God, how to get the Holy Spirit, and the fruits of the Spirit. We will show you in this book how to have righteousness by faith. We think that you would be blessed if you would read this book.

May the grace of God be with you.

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#Faith #Faithful #God #Confess #Sins #Just #Forgive #Cleanse #Unrighteousness #Trust #Blessings #Holy #Spirit #Promises #Promise #Grace #Love #Choose #Sin #Clean